"Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat". New Theatre, Oxford.
All I can say is, Eh bien, raise your berets to a joyful, original and utterly irresistible revival of Andrew Lloyd-Webber's and Tim Rice's early, and most beloved, collaboration. Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat may be almost old enough to get free prescriptions at Boots, but it still feels as fresh as the day it first got young fans hooked on Genesis as a fifteen-minute pop cantata in a school hall. Lloyd-Webber himself had already given up on Oxford after one term at Magdalen. But with this show he's back in town again, and I'd be more than happy to give him an honorary degree in Entertainment. Joseph has evolved over the years, with new songs and dances bulking out those fifteen minutes of fun to a blink-and-you’d-miss-it two hours. Like the multi-coloured coat itself, the show is a patchwork of pastiches, incorporating rock, country, calypso, Piaf-style chanson, and pop anthem. I've seen it so many times, from its 'basic' days, through th...