"Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse". Bowness Royalty Cinema.
Did Brian Michael Bendis and Sara Pichelli have any idea what they were starting when they innocently dreamed up Miles Morales in 2011? Their intention was to create a positive role model for children of colour in a Marvel Universe dominated by Middle-Aged Men In Lycra (except these particular MAMILs didn’t spend weekends hauling their skintight-clad paunches along country lanes on unnecessarily expensive bikes: they had epic battles with other, more evil, MAMILs instead). What Bendis and Pichelli set in motion was a universe-bending series of unfortunate events that would forever change the status and significance of everyone’s favourite wall-crawler. He would never be your friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man again. He would be your amicably-unpredictable, dimension-and-universe-spanning Spider-Man instead. The reason for this was that Miles Morales didn’t fit into the Marvel Universe that already existed. So to accommodate him – to make his existence explicable – the whole thing had to...